Hope Lodge No. 4


 Jeff Daisey   Worshipful Master
 Kevin Marine   Senior Warden
 Chris Pridgeon   Junior Warden
 Cody Cauffman, PM   Secretary
 Ryan Lloyd, PM   Treasurer
 Vernon Proctor   Senior Deacon
 Stephen Lowe, PM   Junior Deacon
 Shawn Swank   Senior Steward
 DJ Lumpkin, PM   Junior Steward
 David Melvin   Tiler
 Tim Keenan   Chaplain

Past Masters

Darren J. Lumpkin 2022 Stephen C. Lowe 2021
Cody Cauffman 2020 Ryan P. Lloyd 2019
Brian M. Clarke, PM 2018 David B. See 2017
Benjamin D. Lowe, PM 2016 Benjamin D. Lowe 2015
Earl A. Little 2014 2013
Allen I. Adams 2012 2011


On June 6, 1806 the representatives of Hope Lodge joined with those of Washington, Hiram, and St. John’s to form the Grand Lodge of Delaware.

Washington Lodge became No. 1, St. John’s No. 2, Hiram No. 3, and Hope No. 4. Of these four all but Hiram No. 3 still remain on the active roll of the Grand Lodge of Delaware.

     The Grand Lodge of Maryland originally chartered Hope Lodge No. 4 as Hope Lodge No. 31 in Laurel on June 23, 1800. This Lodge was made up of many members of a previous lodge in Georgetown known as Lodge No. 10, which had functioned as a member of the Grand Lodge of Maryland from 1792-1796, but had fallen dormant.

     It was from this lodge that Jesse Green would come and prove to be one of the major forces in creating the Grand Lodge of Delaware in 1806.

     Through the years Hope Lodge has had many brothers serve the Grand Lodge as Grand Master starting with Jesse Green who served as the second Grand Master of Masons in Delaware from 1809 – 1811. The second Grand Master of Masons from Hope was James Derrickson, a physician, who served from 1821 – 1823. To him is credited with bringing about the organization of the Grand Holy Royal Arch Chapter of Delaware, which from 1818 – 1868 was the first Grand Chapter of Delaware. He also has been credited with bringing the Cryptic Rite to Delaware.

     Over the years others were to serve as Grand Master including Thomas N. Williams, William E. Valliant, and George C. Williams. During the last fifty years Hope has added four more names to that list, W. Harrison Phillips (1957), Robert E. Trice (1996), and Ronald W. Conaway (2005).

     Always active in their community, the members of Hope No. 4 are proud of the record of service which includes, taking part in the Adopt-A-Highway program, ringing the bell for the Salvation Army and the Good Samaritan, marching in the 4th of July parade in Laurel, and being one of the first lodges to be on the Internet.

     While enjoying the review of their past achievements the officers and members of Hope Lodge No. 4 know that future generations will judge them by what they do now. Therefore, they stand ready to ensure that Hope Lodge No. 4 continues to be an active member of its community, and a willing partner with the Grand Lodge of Delaware for another two hundred years.