Harmony Lodge No. 13
Joshua L. Hall, PM | Worshipful Master |
Kevin J. Musto | Senior Warden |
James P. Miller | Junior Warden |
James P. Twenge, PM | Secretary |
Kenneth A. Virdin Jr | Treasurer |
Justin R. Collett | Senior Deacon |
Cory Polkinghorne | Junior Deacon |
Rodney A. Peck | Senior Steward |
Marvin R. Pedigo | Junior Steward |
Ronald L. Kelly, Jr | Tiler |
David E. Lewis, II | Chaplain |
Freemasonry in the Smyrna/Clayton area can trace its roots back to Lodge No. 44 which was located at Duck Creek Crossroads, which was a “suburb” of the booming town known as Duck Creek that was located at the intersection of Duck Creek Pkwy and N. Main St. On June 23, 1785 Lodge No. 44 A.Y.M (Ancient York Masons) was chartered by the Pennsylvania provincial Grand Lodge of the Ancient Grand Lodge of England under recommendation of Lodge No. 18 A.Y.M. of Dover, De. This was one of seven lodges originally charted by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania in Delaware. The first Worshipful Master of Lodge No. 44 A.Y.M. was former state representative and senator Daniel Cummins who was previously a past master of Lodge No. 18 A.Y.M. Lodge No. 18 A.Y.M had numerous members that was living in the Smyrna area and it was a hardship on them to keep their activity up. They petitioned the provincial Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania for a charter and it was warranted on June 23, 1785. Lodge No. 44 A.Y.M. held its meetings at Duck Creek Cross Roads. They met on the 1st Thursday of every month. The first meeting was on August 4, 1785. They raised 6 brothers in their 1st year of existence. Some of the early members included Governor John Clark, Governor Jacob Stout, and Revolutionary Patriot Lt. Coll Charles Pope. Unfortunately the lodge became dormant in 1787 along with Lodge No. 18 and the lodge ceased to exist in 1791. Lodge No 44 A.Y.M. filed their last report in 1791 which shows more than 20 members on the books and another 4 members suspended including the original worshipful master of the lodg