Eureka-DuPont Lodge No. 23-29


 Jerome Troy, PM   Worshipful Master
 Kevin O’Rourke, PM   Senior Warden
 lfred Wedel   Junior Warden
 Rollyn Trueblood   Secretary
 Thomas Sandilands   Treasurer
 Laurent Robert R. Zenidui   Senior Deacon
 Jacob B Higgins   Junior Deacon
 Robert D. Rock   Senior Steward
 Timothy S. Jackson   Junior Steward
 Vacant   Tiler
 John R. Della Guardia   Chaplain/IT Contact
 James T. Simkins   Marshal


On February 11, 1867, Masons in Wilmington met to consider starting a new lodge. They voted in the affirmative and on February 28th, 1867 a regular meeting of Eureka Lodge, No. 23 U.D. was held. William S. Hayes served as worshipful master. They met at 224 Market Street.

On September 23, 1867, the Grand Lodge of Delaware assembled its officers and constituted Eureka Lodge No. 23 and installed its officers. They were presented with their charter and started to work.

In April of 1872 they met at the new Masonic Temple at 818 Market Street for the first time.

The members being accepted into Eureka Lodge were of a very high character, and it was soon to be known as “The Silk Stocking Lodge”. The members included 4 mayors and J. Caleb Boggs, who was at different times both the Governor of Delaware and in the U.S. Senate.

Many items of note should be mentioned. P.M. Mark Garrett resigned the office treasurer in 1922 after 40 as treasurer. P.M. William Wingate followed that up by being treasurer for 41 years. Two members of note passed away in 1924. First, Samuel Baynard, a developer, who later had Baynard Boulevard named after him passed away. Second, J. Danforth Bush, whose house was to become the University and Whist Club passed away. This site was once considered for the capital city of the United States.