Endeavor Lodge No. 17


 James F. Carle   Worshipful Master
 Charles R. Arnold Jr.   Senior Warden
 John C. Callahan   Junior Warden
 Roger Willey.   Secretary
 William D. Hopkins IV   Treasurer
 Henry H. Jenkins IV   Senior Deacon
 Jonathan T. Davis   Junior Deacon
 Chet Reynolds   Senior Steward
 Dale W. Magee   Junior Steward
 Geoffrey Fox   Tiler
 William P. Sharp   Chaplain


An act to incorporate Endeavor Lodge, No. 17, Milton, Delaware. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware, in General Assembly met, That James Ponder, Elisha Holland, John B. Mustard, Theodore W. Parker, David Lofland, Francis W. Willy, Silas M. Reynolds, William Jefferies, Rouse F. Young, James Cooper, Henry W. Johnson, Benton H. Johnson, John W. White, Tindley B. Stephenson, Peter P. Johnson, James E. Blizzard, James M. Baynum, George H. Mustard, John C. Lacy, Thomas A. Moore and such other persons as now are, or hereafter shall become members of ” Endeavor Lodge, No.17, Milton, Delaware” be, and for twenty years here after shall be by virtue of this act, one body politic and corporate in fact and in law, and shall have continuance and succession for twenty years, by the name, style and title of ” Endeavor Lodge, Name. No. 17, Milton, Delaware.” June 27, 1848 Endeavor Lodge, No. 17, A. F. A. M., was instituted at Milton in June, 1848. The first officers were as follows: W. M., Hon. James Ponder; S. W., Theodore W. Parker; J . W., Elisha Holland; Treasurer, Samuel J. Wilson; Secretary, James E. Blizzard; S. D., Rouse Young; J. D., Benton H. Johnson; Tyler, John H. B. Mustard. The charter members were Hon. James Ponder, Theodore W. Parker, Rouse F. Young, James Cooper, Benton H. Johnson, Henry W. Johnson and Elisha Holland. The lodge steadily increased in numbers until it has a membership of thirty-three. Meetings are held on the second and fourth Thursday evenings of each month, on the second floor of Masonic Hall, a two-story building recently erected by the society on the corner of Chestnut and Mill Streets. The officers of the lodge at the present time are,-W. M., James A. Hopkins; S. W., Samuel J. Martin; J. W., David H. Atkins; Treasurer, Charles U. Atkins; Secretary, Joseph E. Lank. Page 1266 History of Delaware
Scharf, John Thomas History of Delaware: 1608-1888 : General History Vol. 1 Philadelphia PA. L. J.Richards & Company 1888